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You know you need it, but reading your car insurance policy is about as clear as the pile of mud you just got stuck in. What’s covered, what isn’t?

Car insurance is a necessary evil that is confusing and often misunderstood – but one that helps you get the money you need after an accident. So, let’s take a minute to clear some up some of the basic elements of coverage available to motorists.

Here are six common types of coverage that can help after an accident:

  • Liability Coverage: Should you be found “at fault” for an accident in which somebody else has been injured, your liability coverage will handle those expenses.
  • Property Damage Liability: This is another area of coverage that applies to accidents in which you are at fault. Damage to another vehicle, a building, or any other personal property is covered under this part of your policy. There is often a deductible involved that you would be required to pay first, and then the insurance would cover anything over that amount.
  • Bodily Injury Liability: Just as it suggests, this type of coverage applies to injuries and subsequent treatment of those injuries including but not limited to: medical bills, physical therapy, emotional trauma, lost work, funeral costs, and even legal representation for the other person/people as related to the accident.
  • Personal Injury Protection: Also known as “no-fault coverage” or medical payment insurance, this type of coverage is for you, your passengers, and anybody you authorize to drive your vehicle and applies to medical expenses like those addressed in the Bodily Injury Liability section.
  • Underinsured Driver Coverage: What happens if you are in an accident caused by somebody with bare minimum coverage, that doesn’t cover all of your expenses? Underinsured Driver Coverage will help you bridge this gap so you are not left in the lurch when the other driver is at fault.
  • Uninsured Driver Coverage: Even worse than an underinsured driver, what about the uninsured drivers on the road? This type of coverage will keep you on your feet in these situations and generally includes hit-and-run scenarios as well.

Of course, these are just basic explanations for a very complex system, but it is important to understand these main types of coverage and be prepared in the event you are in an accident. Be sure to get as much information as possible from the other driver/drivers involved and any witnesses who may have stopped. Take pictures, make notes, and above all, seek medical attention if you or anybody else involved is injured – even if you think you might be at fault.

Car accidents are stressful and often scary as you deal with the repercussions whether you were at fault or not. The team at Tauzin & Lorio, Attorneys at Law are available to help anybody dealing with injuries related to an auto accident. We investigate to help those who are injured determine fault, and whether they have a good claim for compensation. Then, we help ensure that the insurance companies involved actually pay the claim.