Tauzin & Lorio, Attorneys at Law - Personal Injury

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Nursing homes and hospitals make far too many mistakes. These institutions, which are regulated by state and federal agencies and the law, carry a big responsibility. Yet, whether in an attempt to cut costs or a failure to be thorough when hiring and monitoring employees, these places that are supposed to be safe for elderly loved ones become danger zones. In some instances, nursing home residents are left malnourished, improperly supervised and abused. This can result in a variety of harms that can have long-lasting emotional, physical and financial effects.

Negligent and abusive nursing home staff and the employer for which they work need to be held accountable for their actions, or lack thereof. The best way to do this is to pursue a nursing home neglect or nursing home abuse lawsuit. In order to succeed on one of these claims a victim must show negligence and causation. This might sound simple enough, but the reality is that these elements are hotly contested during litigation.

Therefore, if you are pursuing a nursing home neglect claim, then you need to know how best to present your case. At Tauzin & Lorio Attorneys at Law, we craft our detailed legal arguments with the big picture in mind. We know what judges and juries want to see in order to find that the elements of a claim have been met, and we diligently work with our clients to develop our legal arguments.

How do we do this? We gather physical evidence and present it to the court in compliance with the rules of evidence. We find, depose and subpoena witnesses to testify, crafting our questions to support our clients’ claims and attack the defense. We also negotiate in hopes of reaching a favorable resolution that our clients support. In the end, a legal claim, whether centering on nursing home abuse or medical malpractice, has a lot of moving parts. Many Louisianans who have been hurt by nursing home neglect find that acquiring the assistance of an attorney helps ensure that nothing slips through the cracks and all pertinent information is presented to the court in a persuasive manner.