Tauzin & Lorio, Attorneys at Law - Personal Injury

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When Louisiana residents go onto another person’s property, it is usually under the assumption that the owner or the possessor has done everything possible and within their control to ensure that their property is safe from defects and issues that would result in someone’s injury. With rain and snow, as mentioned in last week’s post, come additional measures that a property owner/possessor must take to ensure their property is safe from known hazards or from hazards that should have been known.

A slip and fall accident can take place in any location. If it takes place in an employment setting, then the injured party may be able to pursue a workers’ compensation claim, but if it takes place in most other situations, such as at a mall while shopping or restaurant before eating, recovery would fall under the legal claim of “premises liability.”

The term is a little vague and covers many types of events, such as those caused by poor lighting, unsafe parking lots, structural design flaws and unsafe floors. It can seem daunting to an injured party to pursue a claim against a larger corporation, but once the medical bills being accumulating it might be beneficial to hold an owner or possessor to the appropriate legal standard.

Personal injury and premises liability claims can help injured victims recover compensation and, at our law firm, we do our best to help our clients do just that For more information about how our law firm attempts to help injured Louisiana residents, please visit our webpage.